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Replies on the topic "French caracters"

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French caracters, GOSPODNETIC, 2009-06-23 12:59:06
Re: French caracters, Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2009-06-23 13:10:12
Re: Re: French caracters, GOSPODNETIC, 2009-06-23 15:12:46
Re: Re: Re: French caracters, Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2009-06-23 15:34:16

French caracters
GOSPODNETIC, 2009-06-23 12:59:06
Thanks for this very fast tool.

I have just on remark :
If you have a french text with accents (for example est � filmer) the special character is suppressed from the output. You obtain (est filmer).

So you don't obtain the exact copy of the input line.

If you can make a correction, it would be wonderful.
I can help you to make a french translation if you wish.


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Re: French caracters
Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2009-06-23 13:10:12
Hello Neven,

in older versions of Delete Lines there were indead such problems, but they should be fixed in the current version.

Do you use the current version 1.0.4 at the moment?

If you see this problem also in the current version, please send me an e-mail with an example of a problematic file attached.

Then I will have a look on it.

Best regards
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Re: Re: French caracters
GOSPODNETIC, 2009-06-23 15:12:46
Thanks for this fast answer.

You are right.
I've got the version 1.03 and this works fine with the new version 1.0.4.
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Re: Re: Re: French caracters
Andreas Breitschopp (Webmaster), 2009-06-23 15:34:16
Hello Neven,

thanks for your responce.

Anyway it would be great to have also an French version: so if you like to help me with translation that would be fine.

Perhaps you could write me an e-mail to a-breitschopp@ab-tools.deand we could talk about the details.

Best regards
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